Sunday, September 22, 2013

A poem about USWSU

Today I was at the ATRiuM to deliver some induction talks to students living at Liberty Bridge and Liberty Park. We didn't have a lot of time to give a presentation so it was very useful that I wrote this poem which condenses down what we do at the Students' Union into a few short lines. Here is the poem in full:

What, oh what does USWSU do?
If you haven't heard of us before, you might not have a clue.
We help you with your education
And welfare issues too.
The bottom line is
We're here to represent you.

From sports and societies
Club and activities
Pop into the office to find out more
And you can grab a McVities
You can also get involved
In our student council elections
Or visit our ideas factory
And make business out of your inventions.

We represent all students
Female, male, LGBT
We'll make your student life great
At this South Wales University

The poem seemed pretty popular for those in attendance. If you want to find out the real meaning behind those words or get advice or involved with your SU, just pop into the office around the back of the ATRiuM building Monday to Friday.