Thursday, May 1, 2014

April: Easter, a new Chancellor

April's been a funny month really. We had one week off for Easter and I took one week off to pursue other interests (Concept and the Student Radio Conference in case you're wondering!) And due to the nature of Easter, things haven't been as fast paced as other months. Anyway here's a quick overview of what I've been up to...

  • Had a meeting with SU staff to clarify the situation on Atrium 2a. My findings can be found in this blog.
  • Began to get a list of names together of people who were interested in holding events at the new SU when it opens in September. If you're interested send me a email:
  • Attended a briefing from QAA about the Higher Education Review for the University of South Wales which is coming up next year. The Union will be involved in submitting a student statement and collating research to support arguments. 
  • I was involved in the Installation of the new Chancellor Rowan Williams. Went on stage for a bit and shaked Rowan's hand. I had to dress up in the full graduation regalia. Naturally my hat fell off because it didn't quite fit me properly!
  • On the same day, I attended a focus group with the Universities Alliance and some of USW's SVRs to discuss the issues around tuition fees.
  • Did an interview for a documentary some students are making about student housing in Cardiff. The Welsh Government have actually asked to see it so it should be interesting to see the final edit when it comes out.
  • Organised some meetings for next month and planned out some tasks to do for the next term.
  • Attended a meeting with SVRs which featured a presentation on the new Academic Plan and information on how student advice has changed since the merger.
I've only got two months left in the role now and May is the last month when it's actually during term time. Should be an interesting month ahead. We've got our last Course Rep Council and Student Council meetings of the year. We've also got Flourish, the final year's creative showcase at the end of the month which should be very interesting indeed.